Pocket-Lint: This Christmas Eve, thousands of Sky 3D customers will sit down, don a pair of active or passive glasses and watch Avatar in 3D. But not on Blu-ray.
Microsoft is making it extremely difficult to actually get rid of a Skype account. What’s really funny is their method of how users should delete accounts.
Pocket-Lint: Sony’s new Internet Player with Google TV has been announced, adding another box to what is, for many, already a crowded living room. Google TV was a bumpy experience at best when it launched, but just like the Android of smartphones and tablets, it has received a rather slick update this time round for Sony’s new kit.
Pocket-Lint: Sir David Attenborough's partnership with Sky 3D is set to continue as Sky has announced a second documentary called Penguin Island 3D - following in the footsteps of Flying Monsters 3D.