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This Wii Remote Is Made By LEGO, Not Nintendo

Kotaku: If you're sick to death of Nintendo and its subtle, stylish colours for Wii Remotes, you could always pick up one of these official LEGO controllers.

Due out later this week and selling for $40, it's, well, exactly as advertised: it's a LEGO-branded Wii Remote controller. Sadly, it's not a complete kit, as it doesn't allow you to build the thing from scratch; instead, it's just a standard Wii Remote with some spots for LEGO bricks on the front and back.


Is the Era of Motion-Controlled Gaming Finally Over

TK: Examining the boom of motion-controlled devices a few years ago and its recent decline. Peripherals considered include Kinect, Wiimote and PS Move.

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saadd203658d ago

I never really bought into the whole motion-control fad. the Wii was cool and so was Kinect. Nothing ground breaking. Its been around since the days of the NES.


High Five: Top Five Gaming Consoles

PYB: A look back at five of the best game consoles released in history. If you beg to differ, please sound out below and give your top 5!

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joyride913673d ago

for those raised on joysticks, this is the ultimate list. a few contenders to the top five mentioned, but I cant agree more that the five have the most impact in the last few decades.

UltraNova3672d ago

Change #5 with the N64 then we can agree on that ^^^

joyride913672d ago

how did the N64 do better than the Wii? I always thought N64 was underrated and did not get enough momentum as the PS1.

UltraNova3672d ago (Edited 3672d ago )

Simple, it had Super Mario 64 as a launch title, the 1st ever proper 3D game. Then it had Ocarina of time and Goldeneye to name a few (both widely considered as the best ever in their respective genres).

Sheer sales numbers don't always mean its the better product.

However I do recognize the Wii's evolution on motion sensors.

Then of course its my top 5 list and I stick by #5 :-)

Tzuno3672d ago

Change Wii to Snes and we have a winner.

fatstarr3672d ago

the fact that the Super-Nintendo isnt on the list...

caseh3672d ago

It's a difficult list to compile, I would struggle to place any of the consoles I've owned over the years in a specific order.

They have all had their time in the lime light with some real high points, YS on PC Engine, Shenmue on Dreamcast and FF6 on SNES are some off the top of my head.

matt1393672d ago

Wii but no xbox 360? Okay then...

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Nintendo killing off online play for DS and Wii

Wired- Nintendo is terminating "certain online functionality" for the Wii, DS and DSi including online play, matchmaking and leaderboards for many of its games.

GamesnTechHead3998d ago

Interested to learn more about what these certain features are.