
How the New Goo.gl Compares to Other URL Shorteners

Google's URL shortener Goo.gl has launched its open service and companion website to the public this afternoon. The service looks a whole lot like upstart innovator Bit.ly.

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Community5179d ago

Commenters Anonymous: Why Real Names Aren't The Answer

Fueled - Sure enough, YouTube seems like a nice place. There are happy banner ads, remixes of Bob Ross art instruction videos, and even some informative content as well. But, if you should ever wander off into the video comments section, you’ll find nothing but a hive of scum and villainy.

Does eliminating anonymity really clean up a community? What's the truth? Fueled takes a look.

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Community4514d ago
Speed-Racer4514d ago

But users have a choice to keep their usernames. I don't know why people are making a big deal out this.

LgHg4514d ago

It's not that people are making a big deal of it, it's people wondering if this might civilize internet discourse a bit. Probably not.

Handsomelad4514d ago

For now they have the choice. Will they still have the choice in the future? Who knows? The most popular sites are moving more and more towards using real profiles.

360ICE4514d ago (Edited 4514d ago )

I think the main argument usually is that it may become more and more normal and then become forced. And no anonymity on such a big site would be lame, I'll give em that. I mean, there are search engines that can find pretty much anything tied to a phrase or name. People therefore don't like the idea of having a company snooking around their YouTube comments, say after a job interview or businesses keeping track of YouTube browsing history. Or having it used against you in legal matters, business matters, social matters or ratchet and clank: size matters in general.

So, yeah. Besides it allows you to be anonymous in debate, if you want to postulate ideas with being connected to them beyond your username.

...That's one argument anyway.

Soldierone4514d ago

Nope, people are still hiding behind a computer screen and for all we know their "real" names can be fake too....

level 3604514d ago

..and a lot of "real" names sound funny, which might cause some issues - like being the butt of jokes or even mockery for instance.


Microsoft identifies Chrome as malware

With Microsoft's browser, Internet Explorer, rapidly losing market share has Microsoft engineered a cunning plan to turn users away from Chrome?

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Community4819d ago
gaffyh4819d ago

How come this didn't affect me? I'm using MSE, so would have expected something to popup.

Speed-Racer4819d ago

Wow talk about coincidence. Today I downloaded Security Essentials and it removed Chrome labeling it as a password stealer.

Sahil4819d ago (Edited 4819d ago )

This is hilarious, but that at least kept Google from spying on users for a while.

Speed-Racer4819d ago

The problem could possibly be a false positive with the installer used the package the program.

th3cell4819d ago ShowReplies(1)
Agent_hitman4818d ago

LOL this is hilarious, we all know that MS and google rivals when it comes to software sales.. This is issue has to do with chrome popularity over IE

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