
The Ben Heck Show turns game console modding into entertainment

Benjamin J. Heckendorn—better known simply as Ben Heck—is Internet famous. He’s probably the best known console modder in the world, and is the creator of the renowned Xbox 360 laptop. And now he has a TV show. An Internet TV show, to be precise, appropriately titled The Ben Heck Show. Ars had a chance to speak with Heck to learn just how one man modding game consoles can translate into an entertaining and educational 15-minute show.

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fatstarr5253d ago

I will have to watch this :D.


Ben Heck's Raspberry Pi Bitscope mod

Fun with Autodesk Fusion 360.
If you need to troubleshoot or design electronic hardware, an oscilloscope is a useful bit of kit. This week Ben and Felix put together a Raspberry Pi-based Bitscope Micro Oscilloscope with a 7-inch touchscreen.

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Modding guru Ben Heck hacks his way through the Engadget Questionnaire

Engadget - In this edition of our weekly question and answer session, Ben Heck -- the master of mods and host of The Ben Heck Show -- discusses the paradigm shift of personal assistants and how E.T. was saved by a Speak & Spell. Head on past the break for the full lot of responses.

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