Tom's Guide: "What makes a good wallpaper? We put hours of research into answering this question, and we discovered that all good wallpapers have three things in common: 1) They’re available in multiple sizes, for the visual benefit of desktop, laptop, netbook, and even smartphone users; 2) these wallpapers also feature “dead spaces” to accommodate icon grids; and 3) good wallpapers stand out due to visuals that impress the eye more than the images produced by the abilities of an average Photoshop weekend warrior. With few exceptions, the following wallpapers meet these three criteria."
Vision Pro is here and it’s a surprisingly capable device. Apple has also loaded the headset with a ton of options and features that aren’t obvious at first glance.
Apple announced that its Major League Soccer Season Pass (through Apple TV) will include new immersive video content covering the 2023 playoffs. Apple TV is the exclusive provider of online Major League Soccer broadcasts via the MLS Season Pass subscription.
As the election approaches,Meta plans to activate an Elections Operations Center to identify potential threats and put mitigations in place in real time.