
AOL’s Games.com named top web destination by TIME Magazine

TIME Magazine has named AOL's Games.com a top site on its annual “50 Best Websites 2010” ranking. The magazine’s editors selected the AOL’s casual gaming site for the list for its ease of use, extensive library of games and variety of options to fit every type of game enthusiast.

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NVIDIA Showcasing HTC Vive at Gamescom, Official Booth Revealed

VRFocus reports on the news that NVIDIA will be showcasing the HTC Vive virtual reality (VR) head-mounted display (HMD) at Gamescom 2015.


HTC Vive Nominated for Gamescom 2015 Award

VRFocus reports on the HTC Vive being the only virtual reality (VR) product nominated for the Gamescom 2015 awards, in the best hardware category.

sonicwrecks3483d ago

A good sign, should be plenty to hear about this week in VR.

(For some reason Gamescom is down here as Games.com. Any chance that can be updated please Speed-Racer?)