Thermaltake is one of those companies that constantly pumps out fresh designs, if there is a hole in the market then Thermaltake will be there. The current market trend in gaming cases that I have observed lately is an extravagant exterior, a painted interior and a bottom mounted PSU. Thermaltake have Introduced the Armor A90 VL90001W2Z Mid Tower Case into the enthusiast segment priced competitively at $79.99 and if you do your shopping you can get a better deal still. Along with a great exterior design, a fully painted exterior and a bottom mounted PSU, the Thermaltake Armor A90 also gives you a place to mount your 2.5" SSD/HDD, tool free drive installation for three 5.25" drives and six 3.5" HDD's, a front door covering your optical drive bays, support for watercooling and an easily removable front panel with removable air intake filter. Benchmark reviews has the Armor A90 under the spotlight...
Daily Video Game writes: "The online retailer Amazon is offering up to 30% off on a bunch of Cooler Master computer cases right now! If you want to build a new desktop, make sure to take advantage of them now!"
The Thermaltake LCGS View 390 Gaming PC is now available on Amazon.
Amazon has opened pre-orders for the Thermaltake AH T200 Micro Case. The unique looking computer case is available in standard black or snow white. If you are
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