MMGN: iTunes 10 arrived earlier this week with quite a few changes to the popular interface. If you’re not a fan of change, rest assured that usability and the general layout can be reverted back to something similar to the iTunes 9 style with a little bit of tinkering.
You may have an amazing setup, but even the best gamer on the best rig will come undone if they have lag caused by high ping. All online gamers have experienced those frustrating moments when you’re about the pull the trigger, be it shooting at goal or firing a rifle from cover when the game judders for a fraction of a second and your golden opportunity is wasted. The only thing worse is when lag gifts your opponent an easy victory.
ItProportal: Ping, Apple's laughable attempt at a social network, will be shut down with the next major release of iTunes, according to a report.
The social network, billed by Cupertino as "sort of like Facebook and Twitter meets iTunes," will apparently be phased out in favour of integration with those two existing, and much more successful, social media channels. shows you how to transform iTunes into something beautiful on both Windows and Mac.
click the start orb, search for "add or remove" open add or remove programs, uninstall itunes!
iTunes 10 is quite a revolutionary change, Ping will definitely be the next facebook.
To be honest, I wish Itunes wouldn't be updated so much with changes that are purely cosmetic. As long as it's functional, I'm happy with it. Every few months Itunes tells me to update it which is annoying and interruptive. I'd rather a music/media program take up as little resources as possible, not try and be the next browser. If I wasn't forced to use Itunes because of my Ipod, I would use another music program.
Not really a fan of iTunes in general but I don't mind this version.
"iTunes just got a facelift" is pretty much the first and only impression I had.