Don't blink -- if you do, you may miss IBM's new processor. The company is boldly claiming that the chip within IBM's new zEnterprise clocks in at 5.2GHz, making it the world's fastest microprocessor.
After nearly a decade, Oracle’s copyright lawsuit against Google is close to settling an important question: can you own the basic commands of a coding language
IBM has a patent out there for a smartwatch packed with a bunch of folding screens, because the future is dumb as heck.
DCD reports on the epic decades-long quest to make computers more like the human brain. Early efforts brought us the deep learning revolution, neuromorphic computing could bring us so much more
I remember when you would see every 2-4 months a new CPU would come out with faster clock speeds, such as 233MHz, to 400 MHz, to 800 MHz. I would figure by now we should off seen 200 Ghz cpus. I know that dual cores, and multi thread cpus are the newest fad right now, but to see cpus not getting clocked any faster then 5.2 Ghz, other then by overclockers, seems a little hard to swallow. I thought by now would would of seen atleast one cpu capable of out putting 1 THz (Terahert). I know most apps, and software would not need, or even take advantage of the speed, but what is with the lag in CPU clokcing speeds. Oh well atleast they broke the 5 GHz barrier.