
How to Choose a Cell Phone Carrier

PC Mag: Choosing a cell phone carrier is tougher than ever. Should you go with AT&T or Verizon, or a smaller player like MetroPCS? There has been plenty of progress in the past several years. The number of dropped calls has fallen across the board. Data networks are faster, and handsets have improved tremendously.

babsy5264d ago

This has been coming up in conversation so much lately. It appears so much is changing in how we react to our carriers as well as handsets. There seems to be so much choice out there and it is good to see prepaid on the up and up. With a bit of luck, this will push the contract carriers to up their game. Do your homework and establish your needs before deciding, but something I would like to point out that I feel is being overlooked, is the benefits of some of the prepaid plans. Straight Talk unlimited is one of these. If it's a balance between coverage (on Verizon network), service (unlimited everything!) and price ($45) you are looking for, this is your best bet when deciding on a cell phone carrier. Investigate your options and make an informed choice.


Unleashing Potential: A Dive into ADAPT's Youth Programs

At ADAPT gym, our commitment to the community is reflected into three distinctive youth programs—ASAP (ADAPT Speed & Athletic Performance Training), ADAPT Kids, and the Youth Development Program (YDP)—meticulously designed to address the unique needs of various age groups while promoting holistic growth. Read along as ADAPT dives into three fitness programs, aimed to inspire young minds to not only become physically fit, but also equipped with the skills, confidence, and resilience needed to succeed in any pursuit.

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15 Tips & Settings to Get the Most Out of Vision Pro

Vision Pro is here and it’s a surprisingly capable device. Apple has also loaded the headset with a ton of options and features that aren’t obvious at first glance.

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