After only 1 week of the PSjailbreak’s announcement, it appears that all PSJailbreak shipments have officially been canceled thanks to Sony’s silent injunction. While most of us had faith in Sony to do something about the hacking matter, it didn’t look good for several days, Sony was on the ropes, loosing its security crown by finally being successfully hacked.
Sony's preorder routine is slightly different this time around.
With BMW, Sony Honda and Ram revealing EV plans, cars dominated CES 2023
According to a recent statement by Sony, it has sold out around 25 million PlayStation 5 consoles.
Well the code was already released online so it is only a matter of time before people start to exploit it. I do not like piracy but there is no way to stop it from happening. I think Sony will keep the PS3 locked up pretty well to keep this from happening again.