
Firefox 4 beta 4 tackles browser tab chaos

Mozilla released its fourth beta of Firefox 4 on Tuesday, bringing a new feature that addresses one of the biggest challenges in the new era of the browser: reclaiming control over the burgeoning number of tasks that now happen on the Web.

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IE9 can't stop Microsoft's browser slump

The March launches of Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) and Firefox 4 failed to stop Microsoft's and Mozilla's decline in browser share, new Web usage data published Sunday showed.

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Sahil5035d ago

I think IE has become a Enterprise only browser. That's why we have seen limited increases in the newer versions on IE. Enterprise rejected Vista and is slow to accept Windows 7. Both of which require a newer IE. This may slowly change as people start using IE 9 at work and may find it something they may want to use at home. But I think Microsoft made a mistake by not updating IE more frequently.

michass85035d ago

they need more marketing :)

KingLizzle5035d ago

Unfortunately Chrome seems to be increasingly bloated compared to what it was a year ago so I'm not surprised its increase has slowed. It says a lot about the current state of the market that many people now have to use multiple browsers to satisfy their needs.

fatstarr5035d ago (Edited 5035d ago )

My thoughts exactly. i dont understand how come everybody doesnt use multiple browsers i say it on a daily basis. each browser is made for something and thats what we should use it for. Firefox and opera are great for downloading. I downloaded something once at school and the comp was administrator locked down all i could use was ie. i went to download and 10 popups came up but on firefox i never seen 1 ad when i used that site.

Megaton5034d ago

Firefox 'till I die, son.

Chrome's cool, but I didn't like how it always opens new processes for everything. I also just like Mozilla more than Google.

5 Of Firefox 4′s Best Restartless Add-Ons

MakeUseOf: One great thing about Firefox 4, that I couldn’t say about previous versions of the browser, is that there is now support for restartless add-ons. Not sure what a restartless add-on is? It’s exactly what it sounds like. Restartless add-ons can be installed, uninstalled, disabled, enabled, and upgraded without you having to close all your tabs and restart Firefox.

In this article, I’ll take a look at some of the best restartless add-ons out there so you can start incorporating them into your browsing habits.

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Firefox 4 reaches 54 million downloads in 10 days

Mozilla's browser continues to break records in 10 days download getting the figure of 54 million downloads. With these results obtained greatly exceed the number of downloads of its competitor Internet Explorer 9.

With the data that show in real time glow.mozilla.org, see how Firefox 4 has got 54 million downloads. The new Mozilla browser, is downloaded about 225,000 times per hour on average, or what is the same, 3,750 times per minute.

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swishman5063d ago

i dwnlded but still feel chrome is faster, i wanna see some performance charts

ugabugaz5063d ago

Check out Peacekeeper.

Opera is fastest on my system (In most categories), followed by Chrome, and then firefox.

zeal0us5063d ago

chrome faster in some areas but mozilla better in other areas, I believe lifehacker and engadget post test results.

dkgshiz5063d ago

Mozilla launched yet again another mediocre Linux build. Good thing I'm sticking with Chrome.