Electronista: Less than two months after declaring bankruptcy, e-book reader maker iRex has apparently secured new funding and will return to market as IRX Innovations on September 1. This time, however, the company will focus on business and enterprise markets and skip the consumer market altogether. With its high-priced DR800 and DR1000 before, it failed to reach many customers while sold at Best Buy, as it was eclipsed by the more affordable devices from Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Sony.
SlashGear: The life of iRex Technologies‘ DR-800SG and iRex 1000S is a fascinating story, for sure. We watched as it released one thing, fought to release another, and then slipped out of the mind’s eye for months. Even with the fact that Best Buy started selling the DR-800SG online back in February, it doesn’t look like the company has any good news to report. On Tuesday, iRex Technologies was forced to file for bankruptcy in the Netherlands.