PC Mag: The Amazon Kindle launched the e-book market as we know it this week with the Tuesday introduction of a $139 Wi-Fi version of the device. The release shows how the company plans to continue to lead in the segment: focus on reading.
Daily Video Game writes: "The online retailer Amazon is running several Fire HD tablets and Kindles on sale, including Fire 7, Fire HD 8, Fire HD 8 Plus,, and Fire HD 10,, as well as Fire Kids Edition tablets. If you're in need of a new tablet, make sure to take advantage of them to save up to 42%!"
Daily Video Game writes: "The online retailer Amazon is offering big discounts on several Fire HD, Fire Kids Edition, Kindle, as well as Kindle Kids Edition tablets right now! If you're in need of a new tablet, you could save up to 36% off now!"
Daily Video Game writes: "The online retailer Amazon is currently offering up to 29% off on all-new Kindle Kids Edition and Echo Dot (3rd Gen) Kids Edition right now!"