
Kevin Rose Announces fforward, A Weekly Tech/Geek Culture Show

Tech Crunch: Digg founder Kevin Rose, after confirming that he’s leaving Diggnation at the end of this year, is now announcing his new show. It’s fforward – pronounced “forward” – and you can sign up to be notified of the launch now.

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fatstarr5222d ago (Edited 5222d ago )

I will be looking forward to this cool Kevin was so epic back in the days on g4.


Kevin Rose reflects on Digg, the dangers of outside investors, and his legacy

GigaOM: By the time Digg was portioned off for sale this year, company founder Kevin Rose wasn’t visiting the site anymore. He had already left Digg for other projects, including his own startup and a role at Google Ventures, and says it had become hard to see what happened to his “baby.” But even if Digg has changed since its initial roots, and he has regrets regarding some aspects of how things went, Rose is still proud of what the team accomplished.

vitorizzo4450d ago

this guy was on attack of the show i knew i seen him before

Deadpool6164448d ago

Make me miss TechTv. I really loved that channel and it's programs. Professional but relaxed. My kind of people. :)