
Videogames as Art: Does it Really Matter?

Dick Ward writes: "Last week the internet was abuzz yet again with the Twittering of angry gamers because Roger Ebert refused to categorize videogames as an art form. But really, why does it matter?"

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Captain Tuttle5275d ago

I suppose one could say that video games have the POTENTIAL to be art (even bad art)but just because they're primarily a visual medium/experience certainly doesn't make them art by default. I suppose the potential is there.

Rather than ask if video games are art a person first has to define exactly what art is. There are museums full of pieces that many consider art but that I think are garbage (not even bad art).

It ultimately comes down to the individual and for me I agree with the writer. It doesn't really matter.


NVIDIA will Reveal New AI Advancements at CES 2024

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Apple's M3 Chip Upgrades GPU, Focuses on Gaming Performance

Apple has unveiled its new M3 processors and all three chips include a significant improvement to the GPU side. Unquestionably, the M3, M3 Pro, and M3 Max will offer a faster CPU performance, however, GPU-focused advancements improve graphics capabilities to enhance professional and gaming experience.

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