
Mom learns daughters' bedroom webcam was hacked

A Houston mother made a terrifying discovery after she learned that someone had hacked into a webcam in her daughters' bedroom and had been streaming everything online.

-Mezzo-2977d ago

This is sickening.

World is full of assholes, so be-careful.

Devil-X2975d ago ShowReplies(4)
Ninte2975d ago

Why stop the girls going online when you just need to put a stronger password and if the Webcam can't be removed, then cover it up.

My nephew learnt the hard way a few weeks ago, putting in a weak password on his xbox 360 and his account got hacked and someone bought games on his father's credit card.

Before I give him my xboxone console, I'm making sure his password is strong.

ITPython2975d ago

Why anybody would hook up their monitoring household cameras to the net is moronic. Sure you might be able to watch the cameras from over the net... But so can anybody else. And its probably shockingly easy to do as I doubt these Chinese made cameras are all that secure, and probably have dozens of backdoors that can simply be looked up online.

Keep your cameras on a closed LAN with no connection to the net. Or I would suggest you get in the mindset that anybody anywhere in the world could be watching you through your own cameras at anytime.

SunnyZ2975d ago (Edited 2975d ago )

Why in the hell would you need security cameras in a bedroom?
Parents are retarded... They punish the kids because they don't know how to properly control their 'insecurity system'.

SojournUK2975d ago

The mother who installed cameras in the kids bedroom in the first place needs to realise she is clearly at fault installing them in the first place.

Devil-X2975d ago

Kudos to you for finally founding out who's at fault here.


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