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'Bulimia machine' helps you lose weight whilst you eat -

The AspireAssist is a weight loss device for the clinically obese. A tube is surgically connected from the stomach to an exit hole on the outside of the abdomen. Patients lose weight by draining food from their stomach to the toilet. The FDA have approved the device for public use.

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Galaxy S25 to Integrate Advanced Google AI Features

Samsung's Galaxy S25 is set to elevate Google AI integration, extending to hardware depths.

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James Webb Space Telescope finds 'extremely red' supermassive black hole growing

The supermassive black hole is 40 million times as massive as the sun and powers a quasar that existed 700 million years after the Big Bang.


NASA radar images show stadium-sized asteroid tumbling by Earth during flyby

The asteroid zoomed by Earth at a perfectly safe distance of around 1.8 million miles (2.9 kilometers).