
Bionic Fingertip Allows Amputee To Feel Sense Of Touch Again

NRM: "A man who lost his left hand has had his sense of touch restored with an artificial fingertip, which can detect pain, temperature and pressure."

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micx3130d ago

Awesome, I'm really happy technology can help the disabled and hopefully even more will be done.

Super-Geobros3129d ago (Edited 3129d ago )

That would be a great achievement for us that would help the blind peole a lot.
This is the perfect use of tech.

micx3129d ago

Helping blind people might be a bit too soon, but advanced prosthetics aren't unimaginable.

Super-Geobros3129d ago

Yes their are many more advancements required to take place and will help the disabled.


This guy created his own prosthetic hand and I'm pretty sure the Terminator is jealous

The world of prosthetics has grown tremendously in recent years, but what do you do if you don't want to buy one? Build one, of course.

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A musician hacked his prosthetic arm to control synthesizers with his mind

A professor at Chemnitz's University of Technology, Bertolt Meyer, revealed how he mastered technology to control synthesizers with his mind.

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Researchers Use VR To Help Amputees Embody Prosthetic Limbs

Researchers at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne leverage virtual reality to help with treatment.