Gravis Ludus' Carl Williams writes, "Okay, when Sony released the Playstation 2 one thing they did that was quite cool was to release, or at least not stop, Linux for it. Sure, this was a costly addition, it was still cool. Then when the Playstation 3 was released, early versions, then certain editions, then none would let you install Linux. The Playstation 4 seemed to be not even an afterthought by Sony at least as far as Linux was involved- such a shame. That has left things open for fans to take up the slack and figure it out on their own. This is the work of a hacking group called “failOverflow” and they have just released the method for you to run Linux on Playstation 4 at home, right now."
Targeting Windows and Linux systems, a new crypto-mining malware, LemonDuck came around. Follow advises from the Microsoft.
Website: https://phukiendienthoaigia...
Trung tâm Phân Phối Phụ Kiện Điện Thoại, Thiết Bị Công Nghệ
Apple’s new M1 powered Macs have blisteringly fast speed, but only if you want to use macOS. Windows support might be a ways off, but if you want to tinker with Linux there’s now a port for Ubuntu to run on the new ARM-powered Macs
With Steam Machines of Valve initiative pulled out and SteamOS being in limbo, it is the right moment to see how the supplement of Proton to Steam Play has managed in nearly two years it is been accessible.
Emulators incoming?
I just hope it won't start the plague hackers are.
This is old news. Didn't this happen like 6 months ago or something?
Nothing will come of it I believe it's already been patched up.
Instead of trying to turn a closed garden system into an open one, why not just go with an open one right from the start..?
Here is the thing. The claim is ..we just want open development of the platform to make homebrew..we just want to do what we want with the hardware we purchased. It always leads back to piracy, and hacking said networks to than cause trouble with cheating..that's why it never works may be able to do it and able to do it guess what..than the hackers move on to the next systems to hack and release..
Its a freaking waste of time, why because it never advances past the system to the next...its pretty pointless calling it..we are doing it for Homebrew..
No you are doing it for nothing more than just to prove you can and take away the networking constraints and software protections built into software and thus make that software open by breaking the software encryption and make both the software open and the networks it runs on..
You can already do this with PC hardware, you can run Linux, and have it completely open..while game console's were never designed for such to be an open platform with a freaking open network..
All it does is direct resources from said company to protect such because unlike the hackers is they have to by law , consumer have to retain such fail to protect and law suits follow.
Rince & freaking Repeat.
Ironic thing is Linux, FreeBSD, Android OS is open source , completely open platforms why try to turn a closed off system to become open when already Open platform . Example Android OS is open, Vulkan Api is now default Api for Android OS, and the TV itself is becoming its very own compute platform with an open platform OS.and many Api packages are already home brew centric in development ideology many times the Apk is free or low cost many times donation geared to give an optional donation to support developers.
Its not about the challenge, or anything..about the rights to do with the hardware that you buy or anything like of sort..its about throwing a monkey wrench to cause problems to closed platforms..the point is its always ends up devolving into a spiral downward, the development further erodes than moves onto yet the next system release..its a waste of time is what it ends up being.