
NASA Discovers Evidence for Liquid Water on Mars

For years, scientists have known that Mars has ice locked away within its rusty exterior. More elusive, though, is figuring out how much of that water is actually sloshing around in liquid form. Now, NASA scientists have found compelling evidence that liquid water—life-giving, gloriously wet H 20—exists on Mars.

Stringerbell3302d ago (Edited 3302d ago )

Quaid, start the Reactor! Actually watching NASA's live stream now, this is all very exciting =p

massapeal793301d ago

We already new it had water on mars now is there any broken statues or any evidence of previous life on Mars

thorstein3301d ago

We know there is life in the universe. We knew there was water on Mars.

We now have PROVEN that there is water on Mars.

Evidence matters.

3301d ago
cell9893301d ago

nice way to hype everyone up on what we already knew. All just a big hyperbole announcement so they can keep their billion dollar budget healthy #jobsecurity

The_Blue3301d ago

Mars sold the world. (couldn't help it)


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