
10 reasons a smartwatch is absolutely essential

Is 2015 the year of the smartwatch?

Absolutely. Smartwatches—everything from the Moto 360 to the ASUS ZenWatch to the Apple Watch—are completely revolutionizing society. They’re even more revolutionary than smartphones, because they’re like tiny smartphones on your wrist.

Here are 10 reasons your smartwatch is a critical part of your life:

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Wear OS 4 is coming and bringing better battery life along with it

Wear OS 3 technically isn’t done rolling out yet, but YOLO.

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TEFLOTY Smartwatch review - ChristCenteredGamer

CCG writes- "If you’re looking for a watch to get without spending too much money, get this one. It costs $27.99, and has plenty of features. You’re almost guaranteed to appreciate a lot of the things it can do, and it’ll last you a while as well. I’ve used almost all of the features that it has, and love all of them. Chances are, you will too!"

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Hongmed Smart Watch review - ChristCenteredGamer

CCG writes - "All in all, this is an excellent watch for the money. It has many great features and the reminders to move and drink water regularly help me to live a healthier lifestyle. I have few years to go before I need to enable the medicine reminders!"

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