
Mystery Deepens: Matter and Antimatter Are Mirror Images

Matter and antimatter appear to be perfect mirror images of each other as far as anyone can see, scientists have discovered with unprecedented precision, foiling hope of solving the mystery as to why there is far more matter than antimatter in the universe.


EVs Explained: What is a kilowatt-hour, and while we're on the subject, what is a kilowatt?

When talking about EVs, kWh and kW are often mentioned without context, but neither is as complicated as you might think.

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On Next-Gen Console Games, Many Publishers Are Thinking Of The Price Hike: Report

Microsoft and Sony still have not given any details about the cost of their impending consoles. However, they are extensively anticipated to be more costly than their present-gen models.

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European Supercomputers For Covid-19 Research Hacked To Mine Cryptocurrency: Report

Hackers attack the supercomputers of the UK, Germany, and Switzerland, and "infections" included cryptocurrency-mining spyware.

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