
Nanoscale device that can emit light as powerfully as an object 10,000 times its size

University of Wisconsin-Madison engineers have created a nanoscale device that can emit light as powerfully as an object 10,000 times its size. It's an advance that could have huge implications for a variety of imaging and energy applications.


5 Stunning Alternatives To Black Holes In Case They Don't Exist

Black holes have been around since a long time, but ever tried challenging the notion of it? Here are 5 alternatives to explain the idea of black holes!

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Powerful Laser Creates Man-made Black Holes?

Black holes are fascinating! So much has been written and speculated about them and yet, we know so little. That makes this mysterious phenomena all the more captivating. However, what if I told you that we could create a black hole? Or something that can get as close to being a real black hole yet. …

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masterfox2193d ago

cool just don't let that thing expand.


Academia, defence and business jump starting nanoelectronics

The nano electronics market is strengthening on the back of a raft of new technologies and products such as mobile wireless devices, the internet of things (IoT) and cloud computing.

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