
Biggest beast in big data forest? One field's astonishing growth is 'genomical'

Who's about to become the biggest beast in the big data forest? A group of computing experts have arrived at an answer. It's not You Tube or Twitter, social media sites that gobble up awesome quantities of bandwidth, and it's not astronomy or particle physics. No, the alpha beast in the big data forest is genomics -- a science that didn't exist 15 years ago and just beginning to break out from the field.

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EVs Explained: What is a kilowatt-hour, and while we're on the subject, what is a kilowatt?

When talking about EVs, kWh and kW are often mentioned without context, but neither is as complicated as you might think.

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How to fix “No data available” Facebook error?

Today, we are going to cover how to fix No data available Facebook error, by teaching you how to clear

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Websites share your data with advertisers 100s of times per day

Users in America are subject to twice as many ads as European internet users.

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