
Crytek on VR: 'People should not be forced to buy one type' of Input Device

VRFocus reports on the suggestion that Crytek doesn't feel consumers should be 'forced' to buy a specific input device for VR videogames.


Crytek’s RTX-Free ‘Neon Noir’ Ray Tracing Demo Performance Details Revealed

Crytek's RTX-Free 'Neon Noir' Ray Tracing Demo Performance Details Revealed, these details are not as impressive as we though these would be

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itswilliam1981d ago

Yes not as powerful as expected


Universities Expanding VR Hardware Inventories States VR First Survey

VRFocus has covered Crytek’s VR First initiative from the word go almost a year ago. With the aim of nurturing virtual reality (VR) development at universities, over the the past year Crytek has added more and more institutions to the roster, and today for CES 2017 its revealed the results of a recent survey.


Crytek Adds VR Editor and 3D Positional VOIP Research to CryENGINE Road Map

The developer behind The Climb details future plans for its middleware software.