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Raiders Of The Lost Wal-Mart Are Virus-Proof Through 2011

The Raiders of the Lost Walmart are the brave retail archaeologists who comb our nation’s retail stores for hopelessly outdated electronics at comically high prices. The items may not always be useless or dangerous, but they are destined to either be purchased by clueless customers or to sit on the shelf indefinitely.

That’s certainly the case for these two antivirus programs that Jeremy found at his local Walmart in New Jersey. “Considering you can get really good antivirus programs for free,” he wrote to Consumerist, “I can’t see anyone buying these and [they] will probably be sitting there forever.”

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Antivirus company shuts down its data-harvesting arm after getting caught red-handed

Its CEO claims that the data collection was legal.

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Leaked Documents Expose the Secretive Market for Your Web Browsing Data

An Avast antivirus subsidiary sells 'Every search. Every click. Every buy. On every site.' Its clients have included Home Depot, Google, Microsoft, Pepsi, and McKinsey.


Two-thirds of all Android antivirus apps are found to be fraudlant

A shocking analysis of antivirus apps with many of these apps [that failed] also appeared to have been developed by the same programmer on an assembly line