
The Light Bulb That Last 37 Years.

"It is often asked how many men it takes to change a light bulb and in this case, it’s just one. The son of British inventor Sir James Dyson has created an innovative light that he claims will last, and stay bright, for almost four decades. Jake Dyson’s CSYS task light, which comes in three different forms, uses 'Heat Pipe' technology to direct heat away from LEDs to stop them becoming dimmer and less efficient over time."

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Jrmy843409d ago

37 years is nothing compared to the Centennial Light bulb, that bulb has been on for 113 years not once has it been turned off.

sonicwrecks3408d ago

I came in to make that exact point. It is truly incredible when you think about it.

mushroomwig3408d ago

'that bulb has been on for 113 years not once has it been turned off'

Wrong, completely wrong, the bulb went out a few times. More recently in 2013.

SilentNegotiator3408d ago

Wasn't that a power supply issue?

And more importantly, isn't that bulb only working at like 3 or 4 watts now and barely constitutes a night light?

Speed-Racer3408d ago

@silent - "It was then hooked to a seperate power source at 120V, and UPS according to Frank Maul, Retired City Electrician. There was one interuption in May, 2013, when the UPS failed and it was off for at least 9 1/2 hours. When it was plugged back in it shined at 60 Watts. It is still brighter, months later, than it's former 4 Watts."


ShrektheHulk3408d ago

The timeframe is nothing, sure, but that light isn't very efficient and it doesn't put out much light. 33% less time for more than 3 times the output means that 37 years IS something compared to the Centennial bulb


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