
Imgur photos will now credit their authors when you share them

You may start seeing Imgur's logo pop up in more places across the web. The image-sharing site is launching a new tool for embedding images today that'll allow anyone to take an image, its caption, and information about who posted it and how many comments are on it, and place that on another website. Imgur has allowed images to be embedded elsewhere before today, but this update means that a lot more information will now come along with them.

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bahadur3305d ago

Most imgur images are shared on reddit. It's be great if the original author is credited when it's shared on reddit especially when it gets thousands of upvotes on reddit.

ZoyosJD3304d ago

Yeah, this is definitely a boon to the artist. It's always hard for an artist to keep their images from being reproduced without any reference to them. It's nice to have that implemented automatically.

3302d ago

Welp, 1.7M users effected by 2014 Imgur breach

1.7M emails and passwords effected. Ouch.

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Cobra9512338d ago

Fortunately, I never created an account there, though it's my go-to place for random image hosting. All these incidents coming to light are alarming. I really need to create a throwaway email acct for unimportant registrations to sites.

thorstein2338d ago

Affected. Affect is a verb, effect is a noun.


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Tzuno2778d ago

Google knows everything anyway :)

Sahil2776d ago

Dont go on the internet ;)