
Researchers address long-standing mysteries behind anti-wear motor oil additive

The pistons in your car engine rub up against their cylinder walls thousands of times a minute; without lubrication in the form of motor oil, they and other parts of the engine would quickly wear away, causing engine failure. Motor oil contains chemical additives that extend how long engines can run without failure, but, despite decades of ubiquity, how such additives actually work to prevent this damage have remained a mystery.

ZoyosJD3495d ago

So after 70 years we finally know why ZDDP works as well as it does. I had only heard the term from a chemical engineer about a year ago.


On Next-Gen Console Games, Many Publishers Are Thinking Of The Price Hike: Report

Microsoft and Sony still have not given any details about the cost of their impending consoles. However, they are extensively anticipated to be more costly than their present-gen models.

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European Supercomputers For Covid-19 Research Hacked To Mine Cryptocurrency: Report

Hackers attack the supercomputers of the UK, Germany, and Switzerland, and "infections" included cryptocurrency-mining spyware.

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Mesmerizing Colored Chocolate Made By Scientists, No Additives

Scientists got an idea to make shimmery chocolate during coffee break. It was wondering for them to make colored chocolate and select it as research topic.

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