
SSL 3.0 flawed: Vicious POODLE byte attack rips apart encrypted HTTPS

As warned by The Register, security researchers have discovered a vulnerability in SSL 3.0 that allows attackers to decrypt the contents of encrypted connections to websites.

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Technology and the internet’s impact on financial trading

Financial trading is not what it was like 20 years ago and that's all thanks to the internet.

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How to avoid getting hacked on the web

Security is one of those things people eventually learn once they've been hacked or had their personal information stolen. Here's some of the best ways to avoid getting hacked.

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Tzuno2947d ago

Google knows everything anyway :)

Sahil2945d ago

Dont go on the internet ;)


Facebook updates Messenger with mobile web interaction, payments and more

Facebook has introduced the Messenger Platform 1.2, with updates that create a richer platform for businesses to interact with customers through chatbots.