
These Smart Glasses Track Exactly What You're Looking At

Your devices already track your location and communication — why not what you're looking at, too? That's the promise of the Tobii Glasses 2, a pair of high-tech glasses that can track your eyes.

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Google's AR project shows what real-world subtitles could look like

Is this the next iteration of Google Glass?

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This Amazon-backed startup is working on smart glasses that don't suck

Modern technology is built into new smart glasses now being offered by Waterloo, Canada-based North, formerly Thalmic Labs. Focals feature a transparent holographic display built into its lenses that only the wearer can see.

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Google Glass Enterprise Edition Now Available

Google partner Streye is selling Google Glass Enterprise Edition for $1,800.

ajax172624d ago

"780mAh battery" yeah, no thanks. I've seen what batteries do when they overheat; but hopefully they won't have a Samsung situation.