
Google why so evil?

Tech Rampage- Huffpo had an interesting piece on “Google doing evil”. Yes even HuffPo can do some good reporting from time to time. Google has quietly joined ALEC (the American Legislative Exchange Council)

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Settler4089d ago

Yeah, Google is evil and not doubt after a certain profit threshold, all companies go that way.

Soldierone4089d ago

I have been losing a little bit of respect for Google recently, but overall they are still better than some other companies.

Also things like the Android part is not entirely Google's fault. While they are the overall people decidin that, its also other companies (in this case Samsung and phone companies) that want Android locked down. It's hard to stand your ground when Verizon is pushing you to lock your product away with a key, or lose favorites.

SnakeCQC4087d ago

Google are alot better than other companies like m$


Meet Bard, a ChatGPT competitor from Google

One of the most exciting opportunities is how AI can deepen our understanding of information and turn it into valuable knowledge more efficiently.

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jackhilder733d ago

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jackhilder733d ago

I really glad to find article on "". The information will really help user to increase their knoeledge. Keep it up.

jackhilder733d ago

Amazing content share The content is really helpfull for the user who are activly seraching for the new topics related to information technologies.

375d ago

Can Google Bard dethrone ChatGPT?

Google’s perception as an innovator is at risk.

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737d ago
736d ago
jackhilder733d ago

I really glad to find article on "". The information will really help user to increase their knoeledge. Keep it up.


Byju has fired 1,000 workers over a WhatsApp call

Following Google and many other companies, Byju has joined the list of companies to fire hundreds of workers.

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