
Three officially launches 4G and abolishes USA roaming charges

TechRadar: "There's a double whammy of good news for Three customers as the data friendly network officially confirms its 4G service switch on, as well as revealing it's expanding its "feel at home" service to the USA."

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Three calls for curb on BT’s mobile ambitions

The chief executive of the UK mobile network Three calls for BT to be restricted from buying more spectrum.


Three's ad-blocker plans thwarted over net neutrality

Mobile network Three's plans for a network-wide ad-blocker would "violate net neutrality", says an EU agency


Telecoms companies raise questions over cost and feasibility of ‘snooper’s charter’

BT, Vodafone, 02 Telefonica, EE and 3 tell peers it is not yet possible to determine whether proposals are technically possible.

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