
This awesome dad 3-D printed a prosthetic hand for his son

MSN- 3-D printers are one of the coolest pieces of technology available. Part of what makes them so cool is how easily they can improve someone's life. Paul McCarthy was looking for an inexpensive but functional prosthetic hand for his son Leon.

ChrisW4121d ago

It's applications like these that will make 3D printers excel.

proudly_X4121d ago

Endless possibilities for the 3D-printer, it's an emotional story..

SilentNegotiator4120d ago

"No claws, no hook, no blade...this sucks, dad! Go back and do it right!"

ajax174120d ago

So cool. Except they said it's inexpensive... I always thought 3d printing was expensive.

ThatArtGuy4120d ago

Have you ever tried to buy a prosthetic? They're not cheap.

ajax174120d ago

Nope. I assumed that insurance covered it or something...

grahf4120d ago (Edited 4120d ago )

Good insurance covers a few thousand, but for a functional piece the cost can skyrocket into the tens of thousands, and they only last a few years. To top it off, that kid is still growing and would need a new one quite frequently.

Printers cost anywhere from a few hundred (DIYs) to a few thousand, but the material used to print is dirt cheap. They are just going to get cheaper and cheaper!

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