
Man Has New Nose Grown on Forehead

A man from China has undergone extensive surgery to grow a working nose on his forehead. It took China's most advanced surgical technology to complete.

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Lord_Sloth4023d ago

For what.....how.......Why?

LOL_WUT4023d ago (Edited 4023d ago )

Maybey for some sort of fetish? ;)

0ut1awed4023d ago

All of that is answered in the first three sentences of the article.

At the very least it seems pretty apparent in the picture that his original nose needs the replacement.

Gimmemorebubblez4023d ago (Edited 4023d ago )

The Chinese nose stuff we dont.

@budgetgamer Your pun is better.

1nsomniac4023d ago

I'ts a fake story, made up by a site called vyralize for exactly that reason. Pretty self explanatory, also just look at it. Not only does it look clearly fake but its also biologically impossible!

Mustang300C20124023d ago (Edited 4023d ago )

No it isn't fake. Sure site may be suspect but not the science.


1nsomniac4022d ago (Edited 4022d ago )

Theyve grown ears in many cases I know, & they have worked perfectly well the same would easily go for a nose to some extent - it wouldnt be completely fully functional.

But again you cannot grow a nose on your forehead as you would have to remove a section of the front of your brain.

Mustang300C20124022d ago

It is odd that the forehead was the placement for it but as stated u need a supply of blood.

Speed-Racer4023d ago

@1nsomniac - You need to get out from under that rock. Here is an even more wtf kinda story http://www.nydailynews.com/...

1nsomniac4022d ago (Edited 4022d ago )

OK, so please explain with the nose being on his forehead where the front of his skull now is & also where they would of moved his frontal lobe to??

..a lot of links being provided that have nothing to do with this story, im not saying the science is fake Im saying this story is fake...

Speed-Racer4022d ago

Here we go http://www.telegraph.co.uk/...

With regard to your comment above (2.1.1), it only needs a supply of blood to survive. You don't need to remove any portion of the brain to have it planted. It's just the nose.

FamilyGuy4023d ago

years ago south park made a joke about doing stuff like this. In their case it was using a mouse to grow a new penis on so Mrs. Garrison could turn back into a man. They had an ear grow on a mouse too.

thebudgetgamer4023d ago

Friends have said that he is a good person but two nosy.

AAWELLS094023d ago

I got a good laugh out of that. lol

Darth Gamer4023d ago

Those Chinese sure do have a nose up on the competition. I'm also not too sure that this is real though, something smells fishy.

wtopez4023d ago

Well couldn't they grow the nose on his you know... nose?

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