TorrentFreak- From previously being exceptionally lenient on those publishing links to copyrighted files without permission, Spain is now well on its way to cracking down on the problem. Amendments to the country’s penal code approved yesterday means that admins of sites offering links to copyrighted works without the owners’ permission could face jail sentences of up to six years. For individual file-sharers and those operating P2P software, the outlook is much better.
Net neutrality rules unnecessary because ISPs will do the right thing, Pai says.
The Pirate Bay has been offline for 24 hours, causing concern among many BitTorrent users. The TPB team is aware of the situation and says the problems are being caused by technical issues, so the site is likely to rebounce soon.
Apple is not known for being friendly towards BitTorrent software in its App Store but it appears the technology giant isn't averse to using the technology itself. In fact, according to data provided by "Internet of things" search engine Shodan, Apple is running BitTorrent trackers from dozens of IP addresses in Cupertino.
What if every citizen of Spain emailed a link to pirated Photoshop to the government's contact us email address? Would they jail everyone?