
YouTube close to launching Paid Subscriptions; more trouble for cable companies

Vyralize: YouTube is set to launch an à la carte paid subscription service for some of YouTube’s specialist video channels.

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Vyralize4169d ago

Sounds reasonable imo! Much better than paying for an entire plan and not watching half the crap on TV.

M-M4169d ago

People like you are one of the reasons why Youtube is going down the drain.

FlyingFoxy4169d ago

Soon it'll be increasingly difficult for newer users to get a good amount of views on their video's. It's just getting easier for the people who are already well known there.. another downside to YouTube.

SilentNegotiator4169d ago

People don't go on Youtube to PAY to watch videos.

Thatguy-3104169d ago

Exactly. I would understand for some content but heck why would I pay to watch videos that other people Make? O.o

shadowraiden4169d ago

why would you pay to watch videos other people make hmm do you not watch TV? your watching video footage another person has made there etc

and from what ive heard the subscription model aint going to stop you watching the video it will just make it so that you dont have to watch adverts to watch that video so it will be a similar system to how justin.tv and twitch.tv most likely.

MikeMyers4169d ago

Perhaps they will if it offers premium content. If they had HBO for example I'd pay for it if it was in HD.

SilentNegotiator4169d ago

I guess I can see that. I was just thinking about how Youtube used to be about user made videos.

GraveLord4169d ago

If they somehow combined Hulu and Netflix into one, I'd gladly pay for this. Pay Per Video? No thanks.

kingPoS4169d ago

Time to bust out dem rippers before it's too late... (goes to get more mozilla addons)

RockmanII74169d ago

I wonder if people will start torrenting youtube videos if the more popular people start charging a monthly fee.

steve30x4169d ago

I will stop using youtube if I have to pay to watch the channels I subscribed to.

shadowraiden4169d ago

where does it say you will HAVE to pay in order to watch the content it doesn't it just states there will be a subscription model most likely added.

steve30x4169d ago

Which also means IGN and Gamespot and other big channels that I am subscribed to will most likely use the subscription model. Where did logic stop with you?

KwietStorm_BLM4169d ago

But IGN and Gamespot's videos come from their websites. How could they charge to subscribe to them on YouTube?

steve30x4169d ago

Because they have videos on youtube too

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