
iPhone 5 Vanquishes Samsung Galaxy S4 in Drop Test

Mashable- The Samsung Galaxy S4 has a boatload of features, but is extra durability one of them? Its predecessor, the Galaxy S III, lost a few drop tests to its chief rival, Apple's iPhone 5. How will the brand-new flagship do? Someone decided to find out.

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Save SHSH Blobs of iPhone 5 on iOS 6.1.4

Techmell.com - Apple has launched iOS firmware that is considered a casual news for the users of iPhone 5. The users having a jailbroken device, it is recommended you don’t upgrade your device to iOS 6.1.4. But, the users who already have upgraded their devices to iOS 6.1.4, they will be happy to know that iFaith version 1.5+ can secure APTicket and SHSH blobs for their iPhone 5 on iOS 6.1.4.

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Phone Camera Shootout: Galaxy S4 vs. HTC One vs. iPhone 5 vs. Lumia 920

Lifehacker: Which flagship smartphone has the best inbuilt camera? We compare the photographic chops of four cutting-edge models: the Samsung Galaxy S4, Nokia Lumia 920, HTC One and iPhone 5. Check out the results for yourself to see which phone comes out on top.

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fatstarr4175d ago

the 920 puts up good pictures. that was a smart move to invest in for nokia.