
How to survive inevitable cloud failures

PC World - Few people are as thoroughly engulfed in the mishmash of online-only services collectively dubbed "the cloud" as I am. Being a modern, always-mobile technology writer, I've arranged my workflow to be completely independent of my physical location. I need the ability to plop down in front of any computer in the world, and suffer from minimal disruption.

-Mezzo-4304d ago

Everything "CLOUD" scares me.

Crazyglues4303d ago

Embrace the cloud, the cloud is your friend... I know it sounds scary, but I have come to love the cloud.

spicelicka4303d ago

So this is how the smoke monster from LOST was created!


Unleashing Potential: A Dive into ADAPT's Youth Programs

At ADAPT gym, our commitment to the community is reflected into three distinctive youth programs—ASAP (ADAPT Speed & Athletic Performance Training), ADAPT Kids, and the Youth Development Program (YDP)—meticulously designed to address the unique needs of various age groups while promoting holistic growth. Read along as ADAPT dives into three fitness programs, aimed to inspire young minds to not only become physically fit, but also equipped with the skills, confidence, and resilience needed to succeed in any pursuit.

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15 Tips & Settings to Get the Most Out of Vision Pro

Vision Pro is here and it’s a surprisingly capable device. Apple has also loaded the headset with a ton of options and features that aren’t obvious at first glance.

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