
3Doodler World's First 3D Printing Pen Annihilates Kickstarter Goal

Gadgehit.com writes: "3Doodler, the world’s first 3D printing pen, has surpassed its Kickstarter goal in a single day. The company behind the project set a modest goal of just $30,000 for the pen, but has attracted almost $800,000 at the time of this post. The pen is essentially a 3D printer, but in pen format, working in a similar way to a glue gun. "

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kingPoS4313d ago (Edited 4313d ago )

A pen that you can literally "Draw" with.


Gondee4313d ago

Very very cool idea. The design looks unrefined though, hopefully they smooth it out with there 1+ million fund lol

hazelamy4313d ago

looks cool, but it looks like you need actual skill to use it, so no use to me, i suck at drawing in 2d so 3d would be right out.

still, in the hands of somebody skilled, who knows what they could create.

gaffyh4313d ago

You can trace over paper though, and then combine your model. So in that case you would just need to be able to download good blueprints.

hazelamy4312d ago

that's a good idea actually.
i'd never considered anything like that, but thinking about it, i could see even somebody as unskilled as me being able to produce something halfway decent with something like that.

like a new spin on papercraft.

coolbeans4313d ago

I'm sure all of us are excited to finally upgrade from drawing curly mustaches on pictures to drawing curly mustaches on unsuspecting people.



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