
PowerMusic MiniPlayer: A New Player In Lock Screen And Notification Center | Cydia Tweak

iPhonBuzz: PowerMusic MiniPlayer is a new music player to control playback of your tracks directly from the Lock Screen or from the Notification Center in a much more rapid and convenient way.

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5 iOS 8 Cydia Tweaks That Add Neat Features

GBM: The iOS 8 jailbreak is officially out and available for all iPhones and iPads that are capable of running iOS 8. Here are five iOS 8 Cydia tweaks that work with the latest version of iOS that are essential to the functionality of your iPhone or iPad.

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BatteryDoctorPro: Powerful Battery Managing Tweak For iPhone

iPhonBuzz: Battery of iPhone is very limited if it is not fully charged. If you are unable to recharge your device during the day, there is a serious risk to stay with a device unusable already after lunch. BatteryDoctorPro tweak is intended to improve the situation.

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LockLauncher Updated To Version 2.0 With Support For iOS 6 And iPhone 5

iPhonBuzz: LockLauncher is a Cydia tweak that allows you to enter a series of shortcuts within the lock screen of your iOS devices, it has been updated to version 2.0.

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