
Nokia Music+ Live in UK For £4 Per Month

Mobile & Apps: "Nokia Music+ is up and running in full force for folks living in the UK, and it's only GBP 4 per month. At the moment, Nokia's offering is the cheapest when compared to Spotify and Microsoft's Xbox Music service built into every Windows Phone device."

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Nokia Music for WP8 now keeps track of listening history, adds Live Tile feature

Engadget - Human beings living their mobile life under Microsoft's OS have been enjoying the Nokia Music service for awhile now, but for the Windows Phone 8 folk in particular, the groovy app just got a little better. Earlier today, Nokia released an updated version of its jam-packed application, giving users, among other things, a Live Tile option that displays various info about the music currently being played -- you know, simple (but useful) stuff like artist and song names.

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Pocket-Lint: Nokia Music: Detailed and explained

Pocket-Lint: One of the key new apps for the Nokia Lumia 800 is Nokia Music, a twist of Microsoft’s Music hub and Zune offering. But what is it all about?

Nokia music will be a free app installed as standard on the Nokia Lumia 800 and only be available to Nokia users.

The app consists of a number of features and is, in reality, the rebirth of the company’s failed Comes With Music offering of yesteryear.

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