(The part where I bring you up to speed and recap Part 1...)
So, last year on our family’s Disney Cruise aboard the Disney Magic, one of the activities was a top ten countdown of Walt Disney’s greatest achievements in the entertainment industry.
With Brave about to push the current state-of-the-art computer animation techniques to the next level, I thought now would be a good time to dust off my notes from the class and turn it into a blog and share some of the things that Disney did to improve entertainment.
A new series of Disney read-along books interact with Google Home so story time becomes even more special between a child and an adult. Certain Golden Books read aloud titles will now cause a Google Home device to play related sound effects and music, thereby bringing the story to life.
Unfortunately Disney does not allow the public to "pitch ideas". It is policy to not accept such things. I would love for Disney to do a VR version of the older story books (the ones that had a cassette that went along with the book). In the VR version (preferably with room scale) the "page" would actually be a virtual scene from the story that one could walk around in. Instead of the chime to turn the page, the "chime" would render the next scene. It would be like standing inside these classic Disney stories (almost like the rides at Disneyland except if one could stop the ride, get off, and walk around each scene). On top of that, they could bundle a "VR story book experience" with new movie releases... It could be incredible for both VR and Disney...
Augmented reality technology allows for a new immersive way to take a selfie with digital avatars.
Neocrisis - Last year, Disney stated it would remove its films from Netflix starting in 2019. It would do so to make its own Netflix like service, aka DisneyFlix. The thing is that Disney could take things one step further than that. It is not a question of can they do it, it’s if they actually want to do it.
That's not going to happen, for one simple reason: piracy. The moment a perfect-quality copy of a movie appears online, much of the incentive to pay to see it goes out the window. Certainly the desire to go see it at a theater is mostly going to vanish, if it gets streamed (and inevitably pirated) first. Illicit streaming services (sometimes even Youtube), torrents, and direct downloads will pop up all over. No. The only real firewall against the illegal copying of movies is closed distribution to secured theaters. Disney would be stupid to give that up immediately upon a movie's release.
I don’t see it happening but I would much rather watch any movie in my home on my tv.