The Times of India - Samsung India has launched Galaxy Grand Duos with dual-sim functionality, bringing another phablet to the market just a day after Micromax announced its Canvas HD with 5-inch screen. The company said it will retail the device with a flip cover in the box and price it at Rs 21,500.
Samsung is on fire this week and has already launched two very anticipated phones, the Galaxy A7 and the Galaxy Grand Max, one in Malaysia and one in South Korea. The latter was announced today in South Korea and it seems like those living in the area can already get their hands on the device for a fairly acceptable price of $290 unlocked. That price makes us think about a fairly decent mid-range smartphone, so let’s see what the Galaxy Grand Max brings to the table.
The Samsung Galaxy A7 is the more mysterious edition in the Galaxy Alpha-inspired smartphone line and so far we haven’t heard much about it. Now a new leak reveals a few details about the upcoming high-end edition in the Galaxy A-line, as well as a few details about the upcoming Galaxy Grand Max.
My Tech Update - Samsung’s Galaxy Grand was a huge success and company wants to again capitalize on handset’s popularity by launching it’s upgraded version in the market. Samsung on Monday announced that it is soon going to come out with Galaxy Grand 2, which is a successor of Galaxy Grand launched December last year.