Pocket-Lint: It's not often we hardened tech hacks walk past a booth at CES and find ourselves overcome with desire, but the Parrot Zik by Starck has got us dribbling from the mouth this year.
Android Police - Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. And when it comes to copying, I have no doubt that the Parrot Ziks will be imitated, reimagined, and otherwise "inspire" a new generation of Bluetooth headphones in the coming years. Yes, they're that different. The Ziks are also, to be blunt, an experimental product. They don't sit on your head very well, and they don't sound fantastic. Even their game-changing features, like the touchpad controls on the right ear housing, aren't quite fully baked yet.
SlashGear - With the release of the Parrot ZIK touch-activated Bluetooth headphones, the company has come up with what’s easily one of the most advanced pairs of eardrum blasters on the planet. You’ll be rolling with not only a pair of top-tier deliverers of sound for your head, you’ve got a set of futuristic controls and connections as well.
Engadget - The Zik generally performs well, but various kinks make it fall short of the $400 asking price.