Pocket-Lint: LG has launched what at first looks like a Nike+ Fuel Band clone at CES in Las Vegas, but which on closer inspection comes with more features and a promised summer release.
The new wristband from LG is virtually identical in styling to the Nike, offering even down to the dotted font, rubberised feel and USB clasp to lock it on your arm. But it also has a curved touch-sensitive display that lets you swipe through information like pace and distance rather than pressing a button - although there's still a button as well.
Engadget - We've seen our fair share of wearable tech here at CES already and LG is looking to cast its hat in the ring as well. A waltz through the company's booth revealed the Smart Activity Tracker: a device that rests comfortably on the wrist, much like the Nike+ FuelBand or the Jawbone UP.