
Gangnam Style hits one billion views on YouTube

BBC News: "Gangnam Style has become the first video to clock up more than one billion views on YouTube."

Mark4844306d ago

Really awesome !!! Please Teach me your dance style !!!Gangnam you rocks

4306d ago
Pushagree4306d ago

I have a newfound respect for anzs after he knocked bieber off the throne. May not be the best music i've ever heard, but it's miles above what was #1 before.

iliimaster4306d ago

noone needs to see this video that many times its a fat guy dancing acting silly im sure where hes from had alot to do with 1b views like auto refresh programs running non stop to keep it in a loop like i said noone seen that video that much

Mark4844306d ago

Yes Dude you are saying true but views on you tube is not fake !!People like him that's why his videos reached to 1 billion.

iliimaster4306d ago

one billion views... yeah okay racer x

Speed-Racer4306d ago

As KwietStorm said, just because you hate the video doesn't mean you have to knock his success. If Google felt the views were artificial, they would have ignored those refreshes in their stats. Also Gangnam Style isn't restricted by usual music copyright patents, which assisted it (along with its 'virality') in becoming the most popular YouTube vid in the world. Seriously, if you don't know, don't assume.

Syko4306d ago

If it was that easy. A Billion videos would have A Billion views meaning Youtube would have 10 to the 18th Power of views...lmao.

iliimaster4303d ago

Seriously, if you don't know, don't assume. ? i typed up my opinion and closed the book.... you on the other hand act like what your typing is not wrong and 100% right it is your assumption aswell i doubt you know what ur talking about either about this particular video ur assuming everything u typed. youtube would not limit traffic on their site its free advertisement... man id hate to have a conversation with you..

Speed-Racer4303d ago

Think for just a second. Why would YouTube allow spam/robot hits to clock up their advertising count. Those impressions actually go to waste which is why they always crack down on spammy views. I don't have a problem with opinions, but at least know what you're talking about before making a judgement.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4303d ago
KwietStorm_BLM4306d ago

You sound silly. You don't have to like it to accept it. This ain't a song I play in my car either, but it's been obvious for months that it's popular. And the previous most watched was Justin Bieber, so..

Flewid6384306d ago

@ illmaster

There's this thing called the news. And there is another thing called going viral.

Check those things out sometime. Later!

FlameBaitGod4306d ago

That doesn't work like that ilii lol, youtube fixed that ages ago when they where shaping their partner program.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4303d ago
Liquid_Ocelot4306d ago

I've never seen the video.. that's about to change

abzdine4306d ago

i saw it on tv one day, it's better to listen to it

Max Power4306d ago

And to think I first saw the video when it was around 1 million views.

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