Digital Storm: Some things in this world just don’t get along – oil and water, cats and dogs, PC gamers and console gamers. One can barely go on a gaming forum these days without seeing the standard animosity between the two factions repeatedly rear its ugly head. So what is the truth of the matter? Who really has the superior gaming system? A side-by-side comparison can show us a lot.
What is better Ryzen or Intel? Choosing a processor for a PC can be a daunting task, especially if you're new to computing.
The ThinkStation P360 Ultra is a tiny beast.
No contest, PC!
Always better to be able to create a game for one system and not worry about different components and adaptability.
In today's market the console has it right in being able to identify a single model to create for.
PC is always a game of having to torture yourself in updating the system specs or tweaking items to make a game work on it.
PC has more potential but the variety of components is it's downfall.
I personally prefer to switch between PC and console these days. Each has its own merits IMO.
Cant everyone (gamers, fanboys and general users)just get along :)