NRM: "Wikipedia is a fantastic source of information and one of the world's most popular websites; but let's be honest, it's design hasn't really kept up with the times. The interface is an inconvenience at the best of times, and its just downright ugly. This is something that Lithuanian creative agency New! has attempted to fix, with a complete design overhaul titled "Wikipedia Redefined.""
Jimmy Wales anticipates that ‘WT:Social’ networking and the program will be set off as another substitute to Facebook and Twitter to share the news.
hell yeah another service to compromise even more your personal information, seriously from IT Engineer please use your brain a bit before sending your information to another unknown company.
"Our goal is not to catch up, but overtake."
Make sure it only contains primary documents and it will be perfect. No need for the 20-30% of misinformation Wikipedia includes.
Turkey just escalated its bid to silence online dissent.